The mission of Nero's Black Book is to provide you with the most current, comprehensive reference of Usenet Indexers, forums and search sites available anywhere.

Why a Black Book?

This project started off as a small list of Usenet Indexers. At first, I used the list to compare the pros and cons of just a few Indexers. As time went by, I came across more Indexers and the list just kept growing.

Of course there are a lot of sites that have Indexer information. However, each of these sites has their own purpose, direction and motivation. I found that I had to scour dozens of sites to create my little black book and the sites I visited often had outdated information.

My goal is to give you a directory that will save you time searching for information. I don't claim this list has all the info that's out there, but it's pretty damn close. Nero's Black Book has the largest and most accurate collection of Usenet Indexers available. Click here for proof.

And just in case you're interested; this is a non-profit site. I don't get paid to list Providers or Indexers and you'll notice there are no ads here.

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My Take on Things

I believe everyone has different needs when it comes to Usenet Indexers and Providers. Everyone has different equipment, levels of experience, budget, search preferences, and so on. Because of this, there can be no one-size-fits-all “best” Indexer or Provider setup.

I realize there are people that will disagree with this philosophy, and that’s their right. However, this is my take on things nonetheless. It’s just my opinion, but it’s how I see things. I have yet to read an argument to change my mind but I’m open to alternative views.

I try not to advise people on which Indexer and/or Provider they should use. If I did, I’d be doing them a disservice. The hard truth, in my opinion, is people have to try different things for themselves until they find a configuration that works best for them and they are happy with.

To be sure, we may all find a better way of doing things and we may find Indexers and/or Providers that work better than what we have been using. But that can come only with experimentation or trials. I do this myself from time to time. Sometimes I find a better way, sometimes I don’t. But I’m always on the hunt for a better way.

If you are a seasoned Usenet user and have strong opinions regarding the best Indexer(s)/Provider(s) setup, I implore you to temper your advice to others with this same philosophy. We can still tell new users what works for us and start them down the road but please let them find their own way to their “best” setup.

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I have to give credit where credit is due. There are a lot of sites that publish information on Usenet Providers and Indexers. Some offer a lot of information and some just a little. And of course there's sources like Reddit but that requires a lot of reading and searching.

All the information I share here comes from the sites other people have worked so hard to develop and publish. This site stands on the shoulders of other sites that have been around much longer. I'm grateful for all their hard work and I acknowledge their efforts.

Probably the premiere source of Usenet info is UsenetReviewz (Cogipas is a very close second). They have done a great deal of research and publish a fair amount of information. But, they fall short of identifying as many Indexers as you'll find here. They actually have a larger database of Indexers than they publish openly; you just need to know how to find it.

Each site that I researched had its own take on how to deliver information. Below are just a few of the other sites that have information on Usenet Providers, Indexers and much more.

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who's Up and Who's Down

I found many sites that had reviews of Indexers that are either dead or dormant. They obviously had not kept their information current. I understand that it's hard to keep track of every site and there may be a little lag time from a Indexer going down and a site updating their information. However, I found a number of sites that hadn't been updated in a very long time.

This site will not instantly update the status of Providers and Indexers but I will promise to make changes as soon as I become aware of them. I plan on checking every Provider and Indexer I track here at least once a quarter. And, as I find new Indexers I'll add them too.

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Who's the Best?

Oh brother, is this a loaded question! Asking who is the best Usenet Provider or Indexer will almost always end up starting a fight on most forums/chat rooms. You might as well ask which flavor of ice cream is the best.

The bigger problem here is how is a newbie supposed to figure out which Provider/Indexer to use? Do they accept the recommendation of a website? Do they take the advice of someone on Reddit or a forum/chat room? Do they just jump in and spend money on something that may not fit their needs?

I don't think there's a good answer for these questions. The best someone can probably do is to visit as many sites as they can and read the comments of other users. Ultimately, people have to decide for themselves. Everyone has different needs and capabilities and that means there will never be a one-size-fits-all 'best' Provider or Indexer.

I won't publish ratings because I don't think anyone (including me) is qualified to tell you what you should buy/use. There's just too many variables to consider. All I can say is this. If the majority of comments you read have a positive recommendation of an Indexer, that would probably be a good place to start.

If you find that they don't work for you, then try another. Remember, you don't have to be married to anything. Find what works for you.

Also, be warned that many sites accept payment for rating Indexers in a particular order. That means, an Indexer can 'buy' a higher quality rating than they deserve.

To see how the top Usenet websites rated the various Indexers click here.


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Hey! You missed one

If you know of a Usenet Indexer that isn't listed here, let me know. I have a standing bounty for info leading to any active Indexers not listed in the Book.

Contact me Here

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If you find any incorrect information I'd appreciate your feedback as well. I do my best to make sure all the information here is correct but I'm human and I'm sure I will make mistakes. Please feel free to point out anything that needs correction using the corrections form.

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How about...

If you have an idea for something to add to the Book please let me know. I'm trying to keep the focus primarily on Usenet Indexers with a little on Providers so I don't want to create a monster of a site to ride herd on. But, I'm open to suggestions.

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